
成绩 开启时间 2014年09月19日 星期五 10:08
折扣 0.8 折扣时间 2014年09月26日 星期五 10:08
允许迟交 关闭时间 2014年09月26日 星期五 10:08
输入文件 examsix.in 输出文件 examsix.out


The banquet hall of Computer Scientists' Palace has a rectangular form of the size M x N (1<=M<=9, 1<=N<=9). It is necessary to lay hardwood floors in the hall. There are wood pieces of two forms:

1) rectangles (2x1)

2) corners (squares 2x2 without one 1x1 square)

You have to determine X - the number of ways to cover the banquet hall.

Remarks. The number of pieces is large enough. It is not allowed to leave empty places, or to cover any part of a surface twice, or to saw pieces.


给出n*m(1≤n、m≤9)的方格棋盘,用1*2 的矩形的骨牌和L 形的(2*2 的去







2 3




Author: Herman "Smash" Narkaytis, Paul "Stingray" Komkoff

Resource: 5th Southern Subregional Contest. Saratov 2002

SGU 131 Hardwood floor